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Re: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!

WWE CHAMPIONSHIP HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE KOFI KINGSTON? LETS GO! In all seriousness, I can't remember the last time I was this emotionally invested in a match. And for 1,000 reasons. God please Kofi win... I need this. Big E has a gift for Kofi in case he wins. Crowd is HYPE for Kofi. He deserves this...
by Messiah
Apr 07, '19, 7:45 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!
Replies: 43
Views: 72289

Re: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!

Dude, if Kofi loses this match, I think I'm going to turn off the show. :(
by Messiah
Apr 07, '19, 7:13 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!
Replies: 43
Views: 72289

Re: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!

So far we have 2 good matches (SmackDown tag titles and Orton/Styles), 1 good match but didn't fit the overall story (Rollins/Lesnar), and 2 meh to bad matches (Miz/Shane and Women's tag titles). Nothing so far (yet) that has me craving to want to come back to this WrestleMania though.
by Messiah
Apr 07, '19, 7:10 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!
Replies: 43
Views: 72289

Re: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!

Women's Tag Team Title match Tamina and Jax may be the most shit tag team ever. Is there any other tag team in history that equals their amount of shit? Bret Hart shows up to support Natayla and Phoenix, which makes me think them losing would be a long-shot. Only thing that would make Natayla/Phoen...
by Messiah
Apr 07, '19, 7:07 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!
Replies: 43
Views: 72289

Re: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!

Shane McMahon vs The Miz in a Falls Count Anywhere match How many more WrestleMania matches will Shane McMahon have? He's not very good. McMahon is a good heel though, gotta admit. Him making the ring announcer keep announcing him as the best in the world and grabbing Miz's dad were great heel acts...
by Messiah
Apr 07, '19, 6:47 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!
Replies: 43
Views: 72289

Re: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!

SMACKDOWN TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP I LOVE THE USOS I LOVE RICOCHET I LOVE CESARO I LOVE SHEAMUS I LIKE ALEISTER I LOVE RUSEV I LOVE NAKAMURA Ricochet is fucking sensational, man. The WWE roster is TOO good. Aleister's entrance is awesome. This match will be epic if it gets even just 10 minutes. This s...
by Messiah
Apr 07, '19, 6:12 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!
Replies: 43
Views: 72289

Re: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!

AJ STYLES VS RANDY ORTON THE PHENOMENAL ONE. Orton goes for the RKO out of nowhere but AJ counters. Man say what you want about Orton but his dropkick >>>>>. AND THEN STYLES RESPONDS WITH A PERFECT DROPKICK OF HIS OWN. Styles with some stiff ass punches. Styles is so crisp, it reminds me of prime M...
by Messiah
Apr 07, '19, 5:51 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!
Replies: 43
Views: 72289

Re: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!

But to clarify, as an opener, that was still a lot of fun. Lesnar beat the shit out of Rollins, Rollins turns around and curb stomps him to hell to win. But in the grand scheme of things, it should have been a bigger moment. But there have been way worse ways to start at a Mania so whatever. Gives m...
by Messiah
Apr 07, '19, 5:30 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!
Replies: 43
Views: 72289

Re: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!

That felt so anti-climatic. Like thank God Lesnar's reign is over but... I feel like it should have felt a lot more important than that.
by Messiah
Apr 07, '19, 5:29 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!
Replies: 43
Views: 72289

Re: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!

WWE UNIVERSAL CHAMPIONSHIP LMAO if Lesnar wins but damn he's a monster, like I hate his reigns but I always get excited for him when he shows up. HES A BEASSSSSST INCARNATE. THE KINGSLAYER ROLLINS ENTRANCE IS EPIC! BURN IT DOWN has got to be one of the best themes and quotes in wrestling right now,...
by Messiah
Apr 07, '19, 5:26 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!
Replies: 43
Views: 72289

Re: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!


by Messiah
Apr 07, '19, 5:15 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!
Replies: 43
Views: 72289

Re: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!

And then Hogan showed up and ruined it. :(
by Messiah
Apr 07, '19, 5:11 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!
Replies: 43
Views: 72289

Re: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!



She is wonderful. WrestleMania with an A+ start already.
by Messiah
Apr 07, '19, 5:10 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!
Replies: 43
Views: 72289

Re: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!

Also I'm not against celebrities but bringing in someone who isn't going to do a spot/get physical is stupid. That is why, in my opinion, Floyd Mayweather vs Big Show will always be the gold standard for celebrity involvement (since Austin/Tyson anyway). God that was so good. Mayweather LEGITIMATELY...
by Messiah
Apr 07, '19, 4:55 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!
Replies: 43
Views: 72289

Re: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!

Andre the Giant Battle Royal (Pre-Show) I've grown to like Jeff Hardy so much, got excited for when the Hardy Boyz theme came on. He fills his role in the E so well nowadays. SNL guy wearing a Beckham jersey in New York was funny. Holy shit, Strowman is jacked. WWE ruined him. He went from the most...
by Messiah
Apr 07, '19, 4:50 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!
Replies: 43
Views: 72289

Re: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!

RAW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP LETS FUCKING GO REVIVALLLLL "Nobody in this building even knows who Curt Hawkins in" I love Corey Graves. It feels like a long time since The Revival were putting on 5 star matches with every team they faced in NXT. Revival vs DIY is one of the GOAT feuds. LMAO @...
by Messiah
Apr 07, '19, 4:28 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!
Replies: 43
Views: 72289

Re: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!

I wonder what the opening match will be. I'm thinking either Joe/Mysterio or Lashley/Balor.
by Messiah
Apr 07, '19, 4:06 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!
Replies: 43
Views: 72289

Re: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!

Women's Battle Royal (Pre-Show)

Sarah Logan won the match.... AND THEN CARMELLA SHOWED UP.. YES CARMELLA. This was whatever but Carmella is cool. Not like there is any point to winning this anyway lol
by Messiah
Apr 07, '19, 3:55 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!
Replies: 43
Views: 72289

WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!

For anyone still around who cares enough to A) watch WrestleMania or B) read what other people think about WrestleMania :lol

This show is about to be long as fuck, so hopefully it's good.

I'm actually looking forward to this show. It feels fresher than a lot of past WrestleManias.
by Messiah
Apr 07, '19, 3:44 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WrestleMania 35 Discussion & Thoughts!
Replies: 43
Views: 72289

Re: Which babyface are you rooting for the most at WM?

Kofi Kingston, easily. And I would be lying if I said a lot of it didn't have to do with him being African-American. Something that I never really paid as much attention to when I was younger (for obvious reasons - it isn't really something you think about as much when you are say, 12 years old) was...
by Messiah
Apr 06, '19, 2:32 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Which babyface are you rooting for the most at WM?
Replies: 12
Views: 19872

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