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Re: Huge SmackDown Spoilers for the WWE Championship

Great. So after spending one year destroying Joe and Nakamura, Style's dominant reign is ended out of nowhere to Daniel Bryan with barely any build on the Smackdown before Survivor Series. And one of the few true babyfaces they had that could pop the crowd at any time is now a heel, because he had l...
by KaiserGlider
Nov 14, '18, 9:57 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Huge SmackDown Spoilers for the WWE Championship
Replies: 4
Views: 5493

Re: WWE Meet Rock Bottom

Everlong wrote:Wait... DX? Was Michaels in a match? Wtf?


He's just a sexy boy. He's not your boy toy.
by KaiserGlider
Nov 04, '18, 7:13 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WWE Meet Rock Bottom
Replies: 20
Views: 21653

Re: How long will AJ Styles hold the title? / Is AJ Styles the WWE's #1 star?

After his fight last night DC called out Brock and told him to "bring his new WWE title" so he can win that too. This is why Brock beat Strowman, and why he will probably be the champion until his UFC fight. And the sooner that fight takes place,...
by KaiserGlider
Nov 04, '18, 7:03 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: How long will AJ Styles hold the title? / Is AJ Styles the WWE's #1 star?
Replies: 7
Views: 11958

Re: How long will AJ Styles hold the title? / Is AJ Styles the WWE's #1 star?

Styles vs Lesnar II at Survivor Series will definitely shed some light on how much of a star AJ Styles is in WWE's eyes. There's a damn good chance we'll get the exact same match as last year (Styles get a good match out of Brock, loses to one F5), and the only reasons they're booking it again is be...
by KaiserGlider
Nov 03, '18, 1:57 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: How long will AJ Styles hold the title? / Is AJ Styles the WWE's #1 star?
Replies: 7
Views: 11958

Re: WWE Meet Rock Bottom

To those who thought the product might become better or more interesting with Reigns out of the picture for a while, this is Exhibit A as to why that won't happen. They're just a bad company, getting worse every day. I'm sure those people didn't expect Lesnar to get the belt again so soon, because ...
by KaiserGlider
Nov 03, '18, 12:45 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WWE Meet Rock Bottom
Replies: 20
Views: 21653

Re: Evolution to reunite at Smackdown 1000

I'm surprised how many fans on Reddit actually want this match to happen at 'Mania next year. Yeah, it was cool to see Big Dave again and he cut a great promo during the Evolution reunion. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing more of charismatic, funny Dave that can get dead serious outta nowhere and f...
by KaiserGlider
Oct 23, '18, 11:41 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Evolution to reunite at Smackdown 1000
Replies: 6
Views: 11323

Re: Roman Reigns has Leukemia, relinquishes title

It'll change the landscape of WWE for sure, but not for the better. He's been the focal point for everyone's issues with WWE for the last four years, and has had to take the lion's share of the abuse. But with Reigns gone people are quickly going to realise that it's just a bad product. None of the...
by KaiserGlider
Oct 23, '18, 11:28 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Roman Reigns has Leukemia, relinquishes title
Replies: 8
Views: 14543

Re: Roman Reigns has Leukemia, relinquishes title

This is obviously terrible for him personally. But I think the product could use a break from Roman Reigns for a while. Him and Brock have been dominating the Raw main event scene for what seems like a decade at this point. Roman just cut his flat-out best babyface promo, and at the same time it's a...
by KaiserGlider
Oct 22, '18, 9:49 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Roman Reigns has Leukemia, relinquishes title
Replies: 8
Views: 14543

Re: WWE facing criticism for Saudi Arabia event amid investigation into activist's disappearance

Bryan makes sense, but seeing Cena as the other name on there is surprising given his reputation for being a WWE company man and the super pro-Saudi promo he cut on the last PPV they had there, thanking them for their hospitality and all.
by KaiserGlider
Oct 22, '18, 9:39 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WWE facing criticism for Saudi Arabia event amid investigation into activist's disappearance
Replies: 9
Views: 14815

Re: Evolution to reunite at Smackdown 1000

And there you have it... I have no idea why anyone thinks this match should happen, and the only story so far is that Batista is the only person Triple H has not beaten (lol). Yet here we are - in the midst of this mostly jovial reunion segment we g...
by KaiserGlider
Oct 16, '18, 10:41 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Evolution to reunite at Smackdown 1000
Replies: 6
Views: 11323

Austin Aries no-sells finish of Bound for Glory main event

After getting hit with John Morrison/Nitro/Impact/Mundo/Wrestling/Whatever's finisher Starship Pain, Aries just gets up, flips off everyone, and walks out of the arena. [BBvideo 560,340:l50d805t][/BBvideo:l50d805t] Austin's contract with the company has app...
by KaiserGlider
Oct 15, '18, 8:39 pm
Forum: General Wrestling Discussion
Topic: Austin Aries no-sells finish of Bound for Glory main event
Replies: 1
Views: 8823

Re: WWE facing criticism for Saudi Arabia event amid investigation into activist's disappearance

Apparently US Senators are now saying that WWE should hold off the event “I’d hope that they would be rethinking their relationship with the kingdom, especially with respect to events coming...
by KaiserGlider
Oct 12, '18, 7:18 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WWE facing criticism for Saudi Arabia event amid investigation into activist's disappearance
Replies: 9
Views: 14815

WWE facing criticism for Saudi Arabia event amid investigation into activist's disappearance WWE faces criticism from prominent wrestling journalists and fans for keeping a scheduled event in Saudi Arabia amid an investigation into a Saudi activist who di...
by KaiserGlider
Oct 11, '18, 8:24 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WWE facing criticism for Saudi Arabia event amid investigation into activist's disappearance
Replies: 9
Views: 14815

Re: Is Samoa Joe getting screwed?

I really hope that Miz vs Bryan for the title isn't the direction for Wrestlemania, because that sounds hideous. Not sure what the best option is for a Smackdown match at this stage. Maybe just go with Styles (c) vs Bryan and have them pull out all the stops. Bryan gets his first title win since hi...
by KaiserGlider
Oct 07, '18, 3:32 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Is Samoa Joe getting screwed?
Replies: 4
Views: 8917

Re: WWE having supercard in Melbourne - Undertaker vs Triple H

I just watched the match for the first time and I didn't think it was bad, though I certainly see why lots of people disagree. It was possibly the most overbooked singles match I've ever seen. Tons of interference from Michaels and Kane throughout that began like 5 minutes into the match. It did kee...
by KaiserGlider
Oct 06, '18, 10:14 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WWE having supercard in Melbourne - Undertaker vs Triple H
Replies: 19
Views: 25060

Is Samoa Joe getting screwed?

As far as the main roster is concerned, this has been Samoa Joe's year. Dude has been fire on the mic, arguably or not arguably the best heel in the biz. Over with the crowd, believable character and has put on some great matches to boot. But we're now 3 PPV matches into the Styles/Joe feud, and Joe...
by KaiserGlider
Oct 06, '18, 2:32 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Is Samoa Joe getting screwed?
Replies: 4
Views: 8917

Re: WWE having supercard in Melbourne - Undertaker vs Triple H

AJ/Joe in the undercard is not surprising at all either considering the colossal promotion Triple H vs Undertaker got. Seems like they forced half the roster + retired legends to hype that match. It was practically the only match that had any build for this show other than AJ/Joe. Plus, Styles' titl...
by KaiserGlider
Oct 06, '18, 1:56 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WWE having supercard in Melbourne - Undertaker vs Triple H
Replies: 19
Views: 25060

Re: Evolution to reunite at Smackdown 1000

Batista has said in interviews that he is open to wrestling Triple H again Presumably to beat HHH vs Undertaker for the "middle-aged men crawling on the floor at WrestleMania" world record. I'm sure they'll be out to set a new record when they wrestle each other next week and Batista will...
by KaiserGlider
Sep 29, '18, 8:32 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Evolution to reunite at Smackdown 1000
Replies: 6
Views: 11323

Evolution to reunite at Smackdown 1000 The band is back together. At SmackDown 1000 on Tuesday, Oct. 16, Evolution reunites – Triple H, Batista, Randy Orton and Ric Flair will be in Washington, D.C. for the historic event. Evolution is comprised of some o...
by KaiserGlider
Sep 28, '18, 7:47 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Evolution to reunite at Smackdown 1000
Replies: 6
Views: 11323

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