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Re: King of the Ring 2019

Cobin wins. lol?

They keep giving accolades to this fuck despite him not moving the needle at all as far as improving as a talent. Money in the bank, retiring Kurt Angle, several title matches in a row against Rollins, now King of the Ring. What's next?
by KaiserGlider
Sep 29, '19, 4:53 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: King of the Ring 2019
Replies: 5
Views: 54256

Re: How long will Kofi's reign last?

5 more days.
by KaiserGlider
Sep 29, '19, 4:42 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: How long will Kofi's reign last?
Replies: 14
Views: 82542

Re: Ranking the Marvel Cinematic Universe

What it seems to boil down to is that your biggest gripe is what you wished the film would be vs what it actually is. Sounds like you didn’t have any fun watching it - even during the aiport scene - which is almost mind boggling to me since I think the airport scene is the best fight sequence in the...
by KaiserGlider
May 21, '19, 8:51 pm
Forum: Movies and TV
Topic: Ranking the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Replies: 10
Views: 40682

Re: Ranking the Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Dark World isn't even the one I have the biggest problem with. How are there multiple people here that don't think that Iron Man 2 was a bad film? Stark's charisma keeps it watchable, at least for me. That's why I ranked it higher than the other bottom-tier films. (speaking of which, after thin...
by KaiserGlider
May 06, '19, 1:33 pm
Forum: Movies and TV
Topic: Ranking the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Replies: 10
Views: 40682

Re: Ranking the Marvel Cinematic Universe

You and I just have different definitions of what a bad movie is. The Dark World is mediocre, but there is some cool stuff in there surrounded by a lame plot with a shit villain. The scenes involving Loki are enjoyable and the end of the film where it's revealed that he faked his death and is impers...
by KaiserGlider
May 03, '19, 9:01 pm
Forum: Movies and TV
Topic: Ranking the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Replies: 10
Views: 40682

Re: Ranking the Marvel Cinematic Universe

1. Avengers: Endgame 2. Avengers 1 3. Avengers: Infinity War 4. Civil War 5. Thor: Ragnarok 6. Captain America: The Winter Soldier 7. Spider-Man: Homecoming 8: Iron Man 1 9: Avengers: Age of Ultron 10: Ant-Man 11: Black Panther 12: Dr. Strange 13: Guardians of the Galaxy 1 14: Guardians of the Galax...
by KaiserGlider
May 02, '19, 8:36 pm
Forum: Movies and TV
Topic: Ranking the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Replies: 10
Views: 40682

Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania 33: Sim fed version

WWE Universal Championship Match Goldberg © vs Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman EEEEORRRWOWOWOWOW The unmistakable distorted screech of Brock Lesnar’s theme breaks the silence over the Florida Citrus Bowl, bringing the crowd to its feet. The hulking Beast Incarnate appears at the top of the stage, weari...
by KaiserGlider
Apr 20, '19, 1:21 am
Forum: Creative Corner
Topic: Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania 33: Sim fed version
Replies: 0
Views: 35850

Roman's cancer was a work to get him cheered

I had a good time watching Wrestlemania (thank God my strategy of skipping the preshow worked again). Didn't think any of the matches were bad, despite some head-scratching finishes here and there. And I didn't really disagree with the winners of any of the matches. Except one: Drew Mcintyre vs Roma...
by KaiserGlider
Apr 09, '19, 10:16 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Roman's cancer was a work to get him cheered
Replies: 2
Views: 10838

Do you still mark out for Demon Balor?

Because I can tell you the exact moment that I stopped caring about the Demon. It was at the Royal Rumble when Finn fought Lesnar for the Universal Championship... and he came out as himself. Yup, the same Demon that emerged to fight Baron F. Corbin at Summerslam and Bobby Lashley on Sunday, but not...
by KaiserGlider
Apr 09, '19, 9:33 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Do you still mark out for Demon Balor?
Replies: 4
Views: 17409

Re: Angle/Rousey and HHH/Steph was surprisingly entertaining

When you don't walk for enough miles inside a pit of danger.
by KaiserGlider
Apr 09, '19, 8:59 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Angle/Rousey and HHH/Steph was surprisingly entertaining
Replies: 56
Views: 417863

Re: Bret Hart attacked during HOF speech

Mediocre sell job by Brett, too much interference, and no psychology. 4/10
by KaiserGlider
Apr 09, '19, 8:57 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Bret Hart attacked during HOF speech
Replies: 8
Views: 23434

Re: Angle/Rousey and HHH/Steph was surprisingly entertaining

Kofi Kingston vs Daniel Bryan: 23:45 Triple H vs Batista: 24:45 LMAO THE MADMAN DID IT AGAIN. BY ONE MINUTE. Hi Messiah. Yes, here we are one year later, finding ourselves reverting to this discussion once again... like I had a feeling we would. Yes, I did defend Haitch last year. I felt that he des...
by KaiserGlider
Apr 08, '19, 9:18 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Angle/Rousey and HHH/Steph was surprisingly entertaining
Replies: 56
Views: 417863

Raw has gotten so bad that they turned it into a storyline

After record low ratings and fan apathy, Raw had gotten so shitty that it actually forced WWE to acknowledge it on air and do something about it. A few weeks ago Seth Rollins cut a semi-shoot promo about how Raw sucks, and then last week they did what they always do when "it's time to shake thi...
by KaiserGlider
Dec 22, '18, 3:24 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Raw has gotten so bad that they turned it into a storyline
Replies: 4
Views: 11646

Braun Strowman will wrestle Lesnar again for the title at the Rumble

I'm nervous about this. If Braun loses to Lesnar again, he could quite possibly be damaged beyond repair. But if he wins, why give him the title here, two months before Wrestlemania? Makes this whole Lesnar reign that started with him beating Strowman for the belt in Saudi Arabia and pissing everyon...
by KaiserGlider
Dec 22, '18, 1:02 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Braun Strowman will wrestle Lesnar again for the title at the Rumble
Replies: 1
Views: 8142

What a year it's been for Asuka

Started the year off by winning the first ever women's Royal Rumble match and going into Wrestlemania with an undefeated streak. Then proceeded to lose said undefeated streak, fade into the background and do fuck all for 98% of the rest of the year. Then she wins the Smackdown's women's championship...
by KaiserGlider
Dec 22, '18, 12:55 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: What a year it's been for Asuka
Replies: 0
Views: 20790

Re: Who wins the Rumbles?

Mens: Gotta be Rollins or Mcintyre. Styles will likely still be tied up with Bryan and Braun is in the title match with Lesnar (oh-oh). Dirt sheets were saying Rollins is a possibility (and it SHOULD be him given that he's managed to stay hot all year, despite wrestling Dolph fucking Ziggler upwards...
by KaiserGlider
Dec 22, '18, 12:42 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Who wins the Rumbles?
Replies: 9
Views: 15809

Re: The Office U.S

AkydefGoldberg wrote:although Jim's constant looks to the camera are a tad repetitive across a long season.


I love the office. Michael Scott is the best character and he has so many funny moments.
by KaiserGlider
Dec 14, '18, 11:17 am
Forum: Movies and TV
Topic: The Office U.S
Replies: 3
Views: 15430

Re: Avengers: Endgame teaser

Gonna be interesting to see what route they take with the biggest characters. I'll be shocked if Cap makes it out alive. I'm 50/50 on Tony Stark making it out alive. I'd guess Thor and Banner both make it, though. I'm in the same boat. Cap should die, and I don't know if there's anything else they ...
by KaiserGlider
Dec 08, '18, 2:37 pm
Forum: Movies and TV
Topic: Avengers: Endgame teaser
Replies: 2
Views: 13086

Avengers: Endgame teaser

[BBvideo 560,340:30u1h38s][/BBvideo:30u1h38s] I love the feeling of absolute desperation and defeat throughout. They really haven't given away any plot yet, which is totally fine. Can't wait to see what they come up with to turn the tide on Thanos, but it's...
by KaiserGlider
Dec 07, '18, 10:01 pm
Forum: Movies and TV
Topic: Avengers: Endgame teaser
Replies: 2
Views: 13086

Re: Do you think Trump will be reelected?

There definitely are threats to Trump. Even a weak democrat would be a threat, considering he's the least popular American president in history (which is another reason why previous trends may not apply to him). But if Sanders - for example - was to become the nominee, he'd probably blow Trump away...
by KaiserGlider
Dec 07, '18, 9:49 pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Do you think Trump will be reelected?
Replies: 19
Views: 39267

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