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Re: How did Orton and the Wyatts hook up?

I gotta say, i really wasn't feeling the whole thing until Orton sacrificed himself at Survivor Series and took Reigns spear for Bray. Nominally when the face joins the hell, only to trick them, there's never a moment where you really question if the face is actually a heel now, you always assume he...
by Headlesspete
Dec 04, '16, 5:31 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: How did Orton and the Wyatts hook up?
Replies: 10
Views: 4467

Re: Its all so bloody pristine and shiny!

I say it all the time how much I dislike the lighting for WWE shows. It makes the shows look so sterile. Yeah, thats another big one too. Another thing is how all the Pay Per View sets are the exact same. I really used to enjoy seeing what creative ways WWE would go out to show the Extreme Rules se...
by Headlesspete
May 09, '16, 5:15 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Its all so bloody pristine and shiny!
Replies: 8
Views: 5447

Its all so bloody pristine and shiny!

Anyone else really not like how shiny and pretty the WWE set looks nowadays? I'm not someone that normally longs for the Attitude era etc, but the one clear thing i really enjoyed about the older WWE compared to now, is how the sets and layout seemed a lot more....grimy? Dirty? I dunno how to descri...
by Headlesspete
May 09, '16, 3:32 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Its all so bloody pristine and shiny!
Replies: 8
Views: 5447

Re: Game of Thrones - Season 6 - Discussion Thread

So Episode 3 very much felt like Episode 1 to me, a lot of set up followed by something big happening at the end. I won't go into it too much right now as its 3am over here and i need sleep, So I'll post my thoughts tomorrow, but a quick observation that's started to stick out. The sheer amount of p...
by Headlesspete
May 08, '16, 8:31 pm
Forum: Movies and TV
Topic: Game of Thrones - Season 6 - Discussion Thread
Replies: 73
Views: 55403

Re: Rate WWE Payback

I've gone with an 8/10. Absolute solid matches from top to bottom. The Main Event specifically was fantastic, and actually my pick for match of the night! Owens/Zaine, Charlotte/Natalya and Miz/Cesaro were all great matches. And Jericho/Ambrose, a little underwhelming, but still delivered. It was po...
by Headlesspete
May 07, '16, 7:45 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Rate WWE Payback
Replies: 7
Views: 4719

Re: Rusev is really good (and funny)

Oh yeah, i think Rusev is fantastic. I can only imagine what he could have archived by now if it weren't for Cena derailing him last year. I feel like he's been really diluted over the past year, and I'm hoping this is the start of WWE rectifying this. I'm sire he did a promo not too long ago where ...
by Headlesspete
May 07, '16, 7:42 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Rusev is really good (and funny)
Replies: 4
Views: 3332

Re: WWE Releases 8

In terms of the actual talent released, Hornswoggle, Torito, Marella and Cameron were all certainly dead wood. The novelty of Woggle and Torito had warn of ages ago, so I'm glad i don't have to watch that shit anymore. Maerlla too had stopped being funny long before he'd stopped being forced down ou...
by Headlesspete
May 07, '16, 7:39 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WWE Releases 8
Replies: 18
Views: 10638

Re: The Lucha Underground Male vs Female Debate

@Headlesspete surely has an opinion on this. :P Hell yeah i do! :D I'm a little on the fence actually. Lets be honest, from a basic scientific realism point of view, men are stronger than woman, and 9/10 the male would beat the female. Its not something we can argue. However, this is wrestling, a w...
by Headlesspete
May 07, '16, 7:44 am
Forum: General Wrestling Discussion
Topic: The Lucha Underground Male vs Female Debate
Replies: 8
Views: 5334

Re: WWE Releases 8

And STILL Rosa Mendes has a job. She's been there for 10 years! 10 years!

WHAT THE FUCK?? :banghead
by Headlesspete
May 07, '16, 7:34 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: WWE Releases 8
Replies: 18
Views: 10638

Re: Game of Thrones - Season 6 - Discussion Thread

I'm in two minds on this episode, so lets get to the more negative stuff. I hate the fact they killed of Roose. I always felt him to be one of the best villains the show ever had, an ice cold killer that never really showed emotion. I was really hoping he would go further with the show ans almost ta...
by Headlesspete
May 02, '16, 9:29 pm
Forum: Movies and TV
Topic: Game of Thrones - Season 6 - Discussion Thread
Replies: 73
Views: 55403

Re: How I'd book the world title scene

As for why not? It's called suspense. It's called tension. It's called storytelling. Complex stories are more intriguing and interesting than simple ones. Ya know, i think suspense and tension were used to describe the then upcoming Undertaker vs Shane McMahon match up....and then the storytelling ...
by Headlesspete
Apr 30, '16, 10:03 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: How I'd book the world title scene
Replies: 7
Views: 3041

Re: I gotta say, Chris Jericho...

You know I havent watched a match involving Chris Benoit in a really long time but, I cant sit here and say its because of total disgust for what he done. I actually dont look at him the same way I used to but to be perfectly honest I was never really a big fan of his but I was a fan to an extent. ...
by Headlesspete
Apr 29, '16, 6:47 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: I gotta say, Chris Jericho...
Replies: 12
Views: 7641

Mount Rushmore of WWE - Woman!

So we always get the "Who's the Mount Rushmore" of WWE with the usual suspects etc, but i was wondering, who would be the Mount Rushmore of the WWE woman from the past. Who were the most influential, talked about and most high profiled woman in WWE history? Mine would be - Trish Stratus, a...
by Headlesspete
Apr 27, '16, 6:03 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Mount Rushmore of WWE - Woman!
Replies: 3
Views: 2500

Re: "We want Sasha"

It's one of the few problems caused by NXT. Sasha had a killer heel run there, and if she was staying there it would have felt natural for her to transition into a cool babyface role like the Rock did back in the 90s. But after moving up to Raw, she's still loved by the crowd but just starting her ...
by Headlesspete
Apr 27, '16, 4:58 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: "We want Sasha"
Replies: 10
Views: 6095

Re: Game of Thrones - Season 6 - Discussion Thread

I think the show has officially lost it, and I'm very quickly giving up hope. It's a shame, because I think there's far more hope for the books at this point than the show. Here's where I'm going to be a bummer. The books are better in a lot of ways. BUT. If the show has killed off an interesting c...
by Headlesspete
Apr 27, '16, 3:53 pm
Forum: Movies and TV
Topic: Game of Thrones - Season 6 - Discussion Thread
Replies: 73
Views: 55403

Re: I prefer Roman Reigns to Dean Ambrose!

You take that back! Reigns is using the Shields music! Its awsome! The Shield was awesome. Their music was not. I used to like the little intro bit. That was a great way for them to announce their arrival. The music itself sucks. And after hearing it at a live show once, I can confirm that it's lit...
by Headlesspete
Apr 27, '16, 3:47 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: I prefer Roman Reigns to Dean Ambrose!
Replies: 9
Views: 5390

Re: Game of Thrones - Season 6 - Discussion Thread

Lets start with the obvious: Dorne sucks. It sucked last season, and now they've killed off all the characters that could have made that story interesting. Myrcella wasn't an interesting character, but she was an interesting political pawn. Gone. Doran wasn't an interesting character in the show, b...
by Headlesspete
Apr 27, '16, 3:10 pm
Forum: Movies and TV
Topic: Game of Thrones - Season 6 - Discussion Thread
Replies: 73
Views: 55403

Re: I gotta say, Chris Jericho...

That would be logical booking if Styles won the title and they wanted to set up Jericho as his first challenger. But I can't see a situation where that's what happens. And even if it did, they shouldn't have done 4 matches between those two if they were going to go into a title feud between them a ...
by Headlesspete
Apr 27, '16, 3:03 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: I gotta say, Chris Jericho...
Replies: 12
Views: 7641

Re: I prefer Roman Reigns to Dean Ambrose!

Hanley! wrote:Regardless of what you said, they both have equally awful music. :P


You take that back! Reigns is using the Shields music! Its awsome!
by Headlesspete
Apr 27, '16, 3:01 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: I prefer Roman Reigns to Dean Ambrose!
Replies: 9
Views: 5390

Re: "We want Sasha"

I think Becky, Charlotte, Natalya, Emma and Paige are all collectively above Sasha. I can't agree with that. An argument can be made for Becky, Charlotte and Natalya. But Sasha has at least an edge over Emma and Paige in basically every area that counts in wrestling as far as I can see. I dunno, i ...
by Headlesspete
Apr 27, '16, 2:59 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: "We want Sasha"
Replies: 10
Views: 6095

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