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Re: Trump v Biden

I think he does have some good plans for the initial couple months of his presidency. But without the senate it's unfortunately going to be difficult to accomplish much of anything. Disappointing results in that regard. I think Biden's strategy of running solely on the issue of "Trump is bad&q...
by Hanley!
Nov 13, '20, 8:07 pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Trump v Biden
Replies: 9
Views: 20751

Re: Trump v Biden

Neutrality doesn't solve any of the issues that have helped to create the current political tensions though. Obama was a moderate Democrat and 8 years of Obama led to Trump. It's going to be a long road to heal the divide in the country (and much of the world) but making people's lives materially be...
by Hanley!
Nov 09, '20, 8:13 pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Trump v Biden
Replies: 9
Views: 20751

Re: Trump v Biden

Biden isn't great, but he can do one thing that Trump winning could never do. He can restore some semblance of normalcy to this country. I would take a career politician with a sense of morality over the corrupt/racist monster that Trump is. America's version of normalcy resulted in Trump though. I...
by Hanley!
Oct 29, '20, 3:42 pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Trump v Biden
Replies: 9
Views: 20751

Re: Trump v Biden

Even as someone on the outside looking in, I can't wait for it to be over. This election has gone on for eternity and the whole thing is just so depressing considering the two options and how badly suited they are to addressing any of the issues facing America at the moment. Trump is a disaster, and...
by Hanley!
Oct 28, '20, 6:16 pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Trump v Biden
Replies: 9
Views: 20751

Re: How do you find working from home?

I'm only really getting used to switching off a bit now. For a long time I had a problem with not really taking a lunch break and working longer hours, because it's harder to separate work life from home life. Lately I've been making an effort to only work the hours that I'm being paid for. Cutting ...
by Hanley!
Oct 23, '20, 3:44 pm
Forum: The Pub
Topic: How do you find working from home?
Replies: 10
Views: 13287

Re: AEW Discussion

I watch the show every week, I buy every pay per view, and I really enjoy it. The product isn't perfect, but it's far superior to any period in WWE over the last couple of decades. They have a great blend of wrestling styles, book things to make sense, feature a nice variety of characters, and they ...
by Hanley!
Oct 23, '20, 3:33 pm
Forum: General Wrestling Discussion
Topic: AEW Discussion
Replies: 2
Views: 6036

Re: Have you had Covid?

Remember socialising? That was wild, wasn't it?

I work from home full time since the pandemic broke, which actually suits me fine, but it's a bit weird spending the day in your pyjamas and putting on jeans for the first time at 7pm so you can pop out to the shops to get some milk. Times are weird.
by Hanley!
Oct 23, '20, 3:25 pm
Forum: The Pub
Topic: Have you had Covid?
Replies: 8
Views: 12256

Re: Packers gonna win it all

I voluntarily agree!

by Hanley!
Oct 23, '20, 3:22 pm
Forum: NFL
Topic: Packers gonna win it all
Replies: 3
Views: 6195

Re: Seven years

We've had some good times here, I remember the place fondly. But it does feel like the whole forum might be better suited to being a WhatsApp group at this point.
by Hanley!
Oct 23, '20, 3:22 pm
Forum: Forum Info and Discussion
Topic: Seven years
Replies: 24
Views: 42063

Re: The Last of Us Part II

I warmed up to the idea of there being a second game in this franchise, but I thought this was inferior to the first in almost every way. The gameplay was a lot of fun, and I will revisit it at some point. But the story in the sequel was pretty bad. And the story and the gameplay did not work in tan...
by Hanley!
Oct 23, '20, 2:56 pm
Forum: Gaming and Technology
Topic: The Last of Us Part II
Replies: 8
Views: 22651

Re: Have you had Covid?

I've been tested for it a couple of times, but I've never had it thankfully. I never thought I had it, but I have had to take some hospital appointments for an existing condition, and they have to take precautions with incoming patients. The test kinda sucks, but the plus is that it only lasts a few...
by Hanley!
Oct 23, '20, 2:23 pm
Forum: The Pub
Topic: Have you had Covid?
Replies: 8
Views: 12256

Re: New additions

Congrats Tim. I've told you that elsewhere already, but seems fitting to say it again here. It's a hell of a time to have two new mouths to feed, but I'm sure ye'll do a fantastic job. Can't think of anyone better suited. Best of luck with everything!

by Hanley!
Oct 23, '20, 2:13 pm
Forum: The Pub
Topic: New additions
Replies: 5
Views: 9191

Re: Who are your current top 3 Democratic candidates for 2020?

@Hanley! interested if your thoughts have changed since Bernie's heart attack? Not at all. For starters, he seems like he's in good health now. The procedure he had done should keep his heart healthier going forwards. He still works harder than any other candidate in the race, and still comes acros...
by Hanley!
Oct 27, '19, 5:41 pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Who are your current top 3 Democratic candidates for 2020?
Replies: 8
Views: 53539

Re: Who are your current top 3 Democratic candidates for 2020?

At this stage of his life and at the point we are in as a country, knowing what a fight it would be to get Republicans to allow him to do anything, I think Bernie is better suited as the head of the Democratic Party, the face of the progressive movement and a sort of compass to guide the party than...
by Hanley!
Oct 09, '19, 11:15 am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Who are your current top 3 Democratic candidates for 2020?
Replies: 8
Views: 53539

Re: Who are your current top 3 Democratic candidates for 2020?

3. Bernie Sanders. I still like Bernie a lot, but I think he's kind of a pie in the sky candidate, and he's not even the best progressive running right now. He's far too old--he and Biden shouldn't even be running, IMO. However, his progressive views have garnered huge grassroots support and he's d...
by Hanley!
Oct 08, '19, 11:58 am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Who are your current top 3 Democratic candidates for 2020?
Replies: 8
Views: 53539

Re: Who are your current top 3 Democratic candidates for 2020?

I'm not someone who can vote in this election, but I do keep up with American politics because I'm a nerd. I only gave votes to Warren and Sanders on this poll, as I couldn't come up with a third candidate from those remaining. Candidates like Yang and Williamson have interesting proposals on certai...
by Hanley!
Oct 01, '19, 11:34 am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Who are your current top 3 Democratic candidates for 2020?
Replies: 8
Views: 53539

Re: Get Ready for the Wednesday Night Wars!!!

I'm somewhat struggling to understand why people are so optimistic about NXT. Vince was supposed to cede control of Raw and Smackdown over to Heyman and Bischoff and that hasn't happened yet. He has allowed Triple H to control NXT up until now because it has been a Network-only project. But there's ...
by Hanley!
Sep 08, '19, 12:55 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Get Ready for the Wednesday Night Wars!!!
Replies: 5
Views: 39726

Re: Chris Jericho has his AEW World Championship stolen

I knew they shouldn't have made Jericho the first champion! :lol

This does suck, and makes the company look a little bushleague. Hopefully they can retrieve it shortly or have a new one created before television starts. It's a nice belt too, so I wouldn't want them to start from scratch.
by Hanley!
Sep 04, '19, 5:08 am
Forum: General Wrestling Discussion
Topic: Chris Jericho has his AEW World Championship stolen
Replies: 1
Views: 33522

Re: King of the Ring 2019

I won't be watching, but if it were me I'd probably pick Andrade to win. He's a great talent, and has a gimmick that could get a lot out of this kind of achievement. Plus if he's feuding with Mysterio they could use this towards that. He could call himself Rey Andrade ('Rey' is Spanish for king). Th...
by Hanley!
Aug 25, '19, 12:09 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: King of the Ring 2019
Replies: 5
Views: 52769



But don't watch NFL. Sorry. :P
by Hanley!
Aug 15, '19, 3:05 pm
Forum: NFL
Replies: 2
Views: 20006

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