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Re: What are your favorite PCW and WCSF moments?

I was very proud of what we were able to accomplish in the earlier periods of PCW, with these being my two favorite highlights: 1.) The Escalation Match (a sim fed version of the Royal Rumble). The announcement of this thing came as a big surprise, partly because it had not been attempted in WCSF an...
by KaiserGlider
Mar 08, '24, 6:00 pm
Forum: Phoenix Championship Wrestling (PCW)
Topic: What are your favorite PCW and WCSF moments?
Replies: 5
Views: 14245

Re: The Bloodline Storyline

I assume Rock-Reigns go over whilst Cody dethrones Roman on Day 2, with potentially Rock helping Cody but that match is going to be standard Roman main event with a referee bump and endless interruptions lol If there was ever a time to overbook a match, it's this one. Seeing as how it is presumably...
by KaiserGlider
Mar 03, '24, 12:08 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: The Bloodline Storyline
Replies: 20
Views: 64837

Re: WrestleMania 40: Roman Reigns vs. Cody Rhodes - Who wins?

The only way in hell Roman wins is if it involves a... Dusty finish and the match is restarted and Cody gets the win.

There might genuinely be a riot if Cody doesn't walk out of mania with the belt. :lol
by KaiserGlider
Mar 02, '24, 11:35 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WrestleMania 40: Roman Reigns vs. Cody Rhodes - Who wins?
Replies: 5
Views: 11895

Vince McMahon's new look

by KaiserGlider
Apr 03, '23, 9:59 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Vince McMahon's new look
Replies: 2
Views: 13423

Re: WrestleMania Fantasy Booking

Man, that was really gonna be one of the greatest WrestleMania main events of all time until the ending. What a complete and utter fucking buzzkill of a finish. Seriously?


Wrestlemania was actually pretty fucking good for the most part. Incredibly disappointing way to end it.
by KaiserGlider
Apr 03, '23, 9:58 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WrestleMania Fantasy Booking
Replies: 3
Views: 15457

Re: The Bloodline Storyline

WWE just released a near 2 hour video that chronicles the entire Bloodline saga up to now, starting with Reigns' heel turn during the pandemic.

by KaiserGlider
Mar 17, '23, 7:16 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: The Bloodline Storyline
Replies: 20
Views: 64837

Re: WrestleMania Fantasy Booking

I've come to the conclusion that Roman Reigns defending each of his "belts" on different nights is not a good idea and here's why: If Roman successfully retains on Night 1 it makes the whole concept pointless, and if he loses on Night 1 then it lessens the impact of him losing on Night 2. ...
by KaiserGlider
Feb 19, '23, 8:30 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: WrestleMania Fantasy Booking
Replies: 3
Views: 15457

Re: The Bloodline Storyline

Man, what an electric crown last night in Montreal. A match for the ages. Though maybe a bit more overbooked than it needed to be, especially with Owens coming out after the match and not during. But I know they did that to send the crowd home happy. And where was Solo? Incredible atmosphere nonethe...
by KaiserGlider
Feb 19, '23, 5:56 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: The Bloodline Storyline
Replies: 20
Views: 64837

Re: The Bloodline Storyline

I acknowledge you, my Tribal Messiah, for speaking the truth. :notworthy Does Roman defend his belts at Wrestlemania against Cody Rhodes and Sami Zayn in singles matches on both nights? Elimination Chamber is in Montreal (Sami's hometown), where he could win the chamber to get a shot at Roman. The o...
by KaiserGlider
Jan 29, '23, 1:16 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: The Bloodline Storyline
Replies: 20
Views: 64837

AEW suspends and strips CM Punk of World Title following press conference tirade, backstage fight. CM Punk is no longer the AEW Champion. After winning the title at Sunday's All Out pay-per-view in Chicago, Punk was officially stripped of the title on Wednesday's AEW Dynamite by company p...
by KaiserGlider
Sep 08, '22, 3:22 pm
Forum: General Wrestling Discussion
Topic: AEW suspends and strips CM Punk of World Title following press conference tirade, backstage fight.
Replies: 0
Views: 14059

Re: Vince McMahon steps down!!!

Vince was still in charge of creative, until today... Vince McMahon has retired as Chairman, CEO, and Head of Creative of WWE . This comes after a slew of investigations of sexual harrassment and affairs paired with hush money settlements to keep said activities quiet. Official Statement from WWE Co...
by KaiserGlider
Jul 22, '22, 10:52 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Vince McMahon steps down!!!
Replies: 5
Views: 16422

Re: Seven years

Enygma wrote:Invite invalid :( sad times

I'm getting the same message. @tim

After everything I've sacrificed!? Do you know who I am!?
by KaiserGlider
Jun 21, '22, 9:27 pm
Forum: Forum Info and Discussion
Topic: Seven years
Replies: 24
Views: 54038

Re: AEW Discussion

I wish AEW was around before this forum died.
by KaiserGlider
Apr 23, '22, 9:08 pm
Forum: General Wrestling Discussion
Topic: AEW Discussion
Replies: 7
Views: 12680

Was Vince ribbing Austin?

by KaiserGlider
Apr 04, '22, 10:56 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Was Vince ribbing Austin?
Replies: 1
Views: 8589

Re: Wrestlemania this weekend

Easily the best Wrestlemania since 30. Good matches everywhere, tons of surprises, and the crowd was into everything all night, both nights. For me the best thing was the return of Cody Rhodes. For those of you who are out of the loop on wrestling these days, the reason why this is a big deal is tha...
by KaiserGlider
Apr 04, '22, 10:46 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Wrestlemania this weekend
Replies: 10
Views: 22668

Re: Wrestlemania this weekend

Honestly, if you're The Rock, why would you ever wrestle again? The last time Rock worked a full match (vs Cena at Wrestlemania 29), he suffered several injuries, which interfered with his film schedule, likely pissing off a lot of people in Hollywood and costing them money. The Rock is certainly no...
by KaiserGlider
Mar 29, '22, 10:38 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Wrestlemania this weekend
Replies: 10
Views: 22668

Re: Wrestlemania this weekend

It says something about the state of the roster when there's not one, not two, but three matches centered around non-wrestlers. And yet, every time Johnny Knoxville's music hits the crowd goes nuts, so might as utilize him in what could be a fun encounter with Zayn. And Pat MacAfee apparently wreste...
by KaiserGlider
Mar 27, '22, 9:09 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Wrestlemania this weekend
Replies: 10
Views: 22668

In first interview since cardiac event, Triple H says he'll never wrestle again

I recommend watching the full interview; it's only 15 minutes.

Watch on
by KaiserGlider
Mar 26, '22, 1:38 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: In first interview since cardiac event, Triple H says he'll never wrestle again
Replies: 2
Views: 10273

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