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Re: 2017 Academy Award Nominations

I'd go with Birdman being fantastic, and La La Land being... perfectly serviceable. I liked it well enough, but I don't get the big deal (probably the hollywood-appreciation factor, and the interesting parts of L.A. on display help it there).
by Kirbi
Jan 24, '17, 3:46 pm
Forum: Movies and TV
Topic: 2017 Academy Award Nominations
Replies: 7
Views: 6262

Re: 50+ dead, 50+ more injured in shooting at Orlando gay club

Your right, it does need to be addressed, but tightening the ability to obtain legal does nothing for this. What evidence is there to support this? One of the countries in which it's easiest to buy guns is the country with the highest incidence of mass shootings, gun related violence, accidental gu...
by Kirbi
Jun 12, '16, 6:53 pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: 50+ dead, 50+ more injured in shooting at Orlando gay club
Replies: 64
Views: 43630

Re: WWE cuts ties with Hulk Hogan after racist tirade.

Looks like he's apologised -

According to this, the language was from the Bubba the Love Sponge's wife sex tape, but I don't see how it's taken so long to come to a head if that's true. :/
by Kirbi
Jul 24, '15, 11:47 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: WWE cuts ties with Hulk Hogan after racist tirade.
Replies: 54
Views: 31273

Re: Favourite Single Episode of TV

The finale of Veronica Mars Season 2 - 'Not Pictured', and a second for 'Oxymandias' from Breaking Bad. I do like me some Buffy, but my pick for best episode from that would be 'Hush' from Season 4 (by far my least favourite season generally, but they really pull it out here). I do like a good monst...
by Kirbi
Jul 20, '15, 2:34 pm
Forum: Movies and TV
Topic: Favourite Single Episode of TV
Replies: 10
Views: 7994

Re: Greatest Match Round 2: Punk/Cena MITB vs. Guerrero/Lesnar NWO2004

Only got around to watching today (busy week), and it's Guerrero/Lesnar for the win! I'm not sure what I can say about this except that I thought it was a little bit more . More fun, more action, more surprising, more Eddie, more everything! For me, it won by a bit on pretty much everything (except ...
by Kirbi
Jul 19, '15, 12:38 pm
Forum: General Wrestling Discussion
Topic: Greatest Match Round 2: Punk/Cena MITB vs. Guerrero/Lesnar NWO2004
Replies: 5
Views: 3998

Re: Do you have cable?

No. Our TV is for video games now.
by Kirbi
Jul 14, '15, 6:31 pm
Forum: Movies and TV
Topic: Do you have cable?
Replies: 12
Views: 8635

Re: Greatest Match Round 1: Foley/Edge Hardcore vs. HHH/HBK Unsanctioned

I voted for HBK/HHH, and not just because it was shorter to type. It made no sense in some ways, but it was fun, and I was able to invent a whole new reason for the feud while watching! So HBK comes back, and HHH goes crazy and attacks him... but why? Could it be as a result of HBK's insulting a...
by Kirbi
Jul 10, '15, 4:30 pm
Forum: General Wrestling Discussion
Topic: Greatest Match Round 1: Foley/Edge Hardcore vs. HHH/HBK Unsanctioned
Replies: 6
Views: 4689

Re: Greatest Match Round 1: Lynch/Banks vs. Angle/Benoit and Mysterio/Edge

Story story story story... improves a match! Banks/Lynch ftw.
by Kirbi
Jul 10, '15, 4:14 pm
Forum: General Wrestling Discussion
Topic: Greatest Match Round 1: Lynch/Banks vs. Angle/Benoit and Mysterio/Edge
Replies: 10
Views: 6898

Re: Book - Free on Amazon until July 8th!

Daz wrote:
Kirbi wrote:After I'm finished reading Look Who's Back, though.

You might change your mind once you've read it lol.

Why? Would it be way too much Hitler for one person or something?
by Kirbi
Jul 04, '15, 7:00 pm
Forum: Creative Corner
Topic: Book - Free on Amazon until July 8th!
Replies: 28
Views: 28296

Re: A question

I think it's just interesting how parents are okay with this. I feel as if the kids are being a bit pushed into it. I have a hard time believing a 6 year old, or 3 year old boy has a pronouns issue. I think the people with the pronouns issue are using the kids as a sort of guilt trip, when in reali...
by Kirbi
Jul 04, '15, 4:05 pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: A question
Replies: 12
Views: 7085

Re: Book - Free on Amazon until July 8th!

Daz wrote:Just a heads up. The book will be free on Amazon until July 8th, so if you want to pick it up, and perhaps leave a nice little review, now would be the time.

Shut up and take my money.

After I'm finished reading Look Who's Back, though.
by Kirbi
Jul 04, '15, 3:56 pm
Forum: Creative Corner
Topic: Book - Free on Amazon until July 8th!
Replies: 28
Views: 28296

Re: Happy Independence Day, Americans!

You will surely be glad to know that we celebrated your Independence Day with suit rental browsing, walking in the sunshine, a nice cup of carbonated beverage, keyboard browsing (with associated intolerance of untrained children at musical instruments), wondrous italian food, great wine, easy conver...
by Kirbi
Jul 04, '15, 3:53 pm
Forum: The Pub
Topic: Happy Independence Day, Americans!
Replies: 9
Views: 5642

Re: Greatest Match Round 1: Savage/Steamboat WM3 vs. Angle/Benoit RR2003

Just got in! Angle/Benoit gets my vote, but not by a particularly large margin. Both matches were really great; pace-y, enjoyable, exciting, immersive - all that good stuff. I did prefer the back-and-forth action in the Angle/Benoit match, to the slight underdog tale in Steamboat/Savage. I felt like...
by Kirbi
Jun 28, '15, 1:30 pm
Forum: General Wrestling Discussion
Topic: Greatest Match Round 1: Savage/Steamboat WM3 vs. Angle/Benoit RR2003
Replies: 12
Views: 8374

Re: Kanye shows his benevolence, says he was wrong about Beck

Jesus, West is such an idiot. It's great the way he uses every possible opportunity to remind me of it, as well. Very considerate. And West's music has little or nothing to do with how right or wrong he was on this. I heard a bunch of the songs from Beyonce's album back when it came out, and none o...
by Kirbi
Jun 25, '15, 5:05 pm
Forum: Music
Topic: Kanye shows his benevolence, says he was wrong about Beck
Replies: 45
Views: 27646

Re: Kanye shows his benevolence, says he was wrong about Beck

Jesus, West is such an idiot. It's great the way he uses every possible opportunity to remind me of it, as well. Very considerate. And West's music has little or nothing to do with how right or wrong he was on this. I heard a bunch of the songs from Beyonce's album back when it came out, and none of...
by Kirbi
Jun 25, '15, 4:29 pm
Forum: Music
Topic: Kanye shows his benevolence, says he was wrong about Beck
Replies: 45
Views: 27646

Re: Greatest Match Round 1: Michaels/Ramon Ladder vs. Zayn/Neville

Zayn/Neville gets my vote - it's better than anything the main roster's done in years; and yes, it's better than this ladder match. I have to show my appreciation for the ladder match too, though - it was my first time seeing it, and it was lots of fun - I've rarely enjoyed a ladder match that much,...
by Kirbi
Jun 24, '15, 3:55 pm
Forum: General Wrestling Discussion
Topic: Greatest Match Round 1: Michaels/Ramon Ladder vs. Zayn/Neville
Replies: 7
Views: 4545

Re: Greatest Match Round 1: Bret/Owen Cage SS94 vs. Lesnar/Angle WM19

Eh, they tried to escape too much for me - it got a bit old. I find it a bit crazy that this is more highly regarded than the Wrestlemania 10 match; I really, really enjoyed that one. This one was only ok. Lesnar/Angle take it for me, although that wasn't one of my very favourites either. But I can'...
by Kirbi
Jun 24, '15, 3:49 pm
Forum: General Wrestling Discussion
Topic: Greatest Match Round 1: Bret/Owen Cage SS94 vs. Lesnar/Angle WM19
Replies: 8
Views: 5300

Re: What's the biggest animal you believe you could kill with your bare hands?

CubsIn5 wrote:A Moose. Based on experience. Easier than you think.

You killed a moose with your bare hands!?
by Kirbi
Jun 24, '15, 2:52 pm
Forum: The Pub
Topic: What's the biggest animal you believe you could kill with your bare hands?
Replies: 19
Views: 12607

Re: Greatest Match Round 1: Rock/Austin WM17 vs. Hart/Bulldog SS1992

I voted for Rock/Austin over Hart/Bulldog because the latter match was slow and made me sleepy. I didn't post in favour of Rock/Austin at the time though because I didn't want to be counted if it went to a tie - I didn't particularly care for either match.
by Kirbi
Jun 24, '15, 12:07 pm
Forum: General Wrestling Discussion
Topic: Greatest Match Round 1: Rock/Austin WM17 vs. Hart/Bulldog SS1992
Replies: 28
Views: 18247

Re: Greatest Match Round 1: TLC 2 vs. Bret/Owen WM10

The TLC match is basically WWE using a bunch of stuff that's sometimes complained about (needlessly dangerous spots, a ton of interference, etc.) and really pulling it off. Looking back, I sometimes don't care for the big stuff from the Attitude Era, but this was just a pile of fun, and I really lik...
by Kirbi
Jun 22, '15, 3:55 pm
Forum: General Wrestling Discussion
Topic: Greatest Match Round 1: TLC 2 vs. Bret/Owen WM10
Replies: 15
Views: 10586

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