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Re: WWE is the best it ever has been

I really have been meaning to get into watching it because so many of the clips I see are awesome. I'm really looking to when it comes to Netflix -- it'll be so much easier to watch. Haven't had cable in years and the delay on new episodes going to Peacock is annoying.
by Everlong
Jul 07, '24, 8:13 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: WWE is the best it ever has been
Replies: 3
Views: 5185

Re: What are your favorite PCW and WCSF moments?

ALSO: Dynamite's title win. VERY early WCSF, but it was the first big babyface moment we had and there were a lot of old-school writers who just weren't getting as "over" with our readers at the time. Chris Cameron was one of our first "legendary" characters, but he was just kind...
by Everlong
Mar 02, '24, 11:33 pm
Forum: Phoenix Championship Wrestling (PCW)
Topic: What are your favorite PCW and WCSF moments?
Replies: 5
Views: 14291

Re: What are your favorite PCW and WCSF moments?

The Andrew Logan title win at Revolution VI was such a huge stunner and will always have a soft spot in my heart for storytelling I've been involved with. Literally no one saw it coming for a variety of reasons, including the fact that I very intentionally booked myself to job at PPVs the vast major...
by Everlong
Mar 02, '24, 11:32 pm
Forum: Phoenix Championship Wrestling (PCW)
Topic: What are your favorite PCW and WCSF moments?
Replies: 5
Views: 14291

Nostalgia for the old web

Man, little forums like this just don't really exist any more. It's crazy to think of what the internet used to be like compared to now. We had WWE-Club, which was constantly active. We preserved that community for a little bit on here. But the rise of social media and places like Reddit basically d...
by Everlong
Mar 02, '24, 11:27 pm
Forum: The Pub
Topic: Nostalgia for the old web
Replies: 1
Views: 8313

Re: You old now

I’m not graying yet but it could be any time now and it hurts to get off the floor sometimes
by Everlong
Feb 29, '24, 6:00 pm
Forum: The Pub
Topic: You old now
Replies: 2
Views: 2983

Re: Lmao it’s 2024

Much love to all. We do have an occasionally active discord you can join!
by Everlong
Jan 26, '24, 8:46 pm
Forum: The Pub
Topic: Lmao it’s 2024
Replies: 3
Views: 4406


I truly cannot believe that either party wants this but pretty insane moment
by Everlong
Nov 25, '23, 9:59 pm
Forum: WWE
Replies: 2
Views: 7153

Bray Wyatt is dead

Triple H just posted on Twitter. Unbelievable.
by Everlong
Aug 24, '23, 4:43 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Bray Wyatt is dead
Replies: 1
Views: 17738

Re: Vince McMahon's new look

oh come on lmao
by Everlong
Aug 12, '23, 11:33 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: Vince McMahon's new look
Replies: 2
Views: 13437

Re: The Bloodline Storyline

Is it still going??
by Everlong
Aug 12, '23, 11:33 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: The Bloodline Storyline
Replies: 20
Views: 64956

Re: The Bloodline Storyline

Just catching up on all of this now. Man, that actually does sound pretty intense. I will have to watch that video, Messiah, and possibly even WrestleMania. I can't believe WWE pulled out a Wargames match -- wild! Since you were a big Rey Mysterio fan, you might be interested to know that Dominik M...
by Everlong
Apr 01, '23, 3:23 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: The Bloodline Storyline
Replies: 20
Views: 64956

Re: The Bloodline Storyline

Just catching up on all of this now. Man, that actually does sound pretty intense. I will have to watch that video, Messiah, and possibly even WrestleMania. I can't believe WWE pulled out a Wargames match -- wild! I'm clearly behind the times, by a lot. Because the last time I was really cognizant o...
by Everlong
Mar 05, '23, 4:53 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: The Bloodline Storyline
Replies: 20
Views: 64956

Re: The Bloodline Storyline

I'm here! Albeit late!

I have absolutely NOTHING in terms of knowledge of what the WWE is doing right now. Literally nothing. So give me the cliff's notes about this storyline @Messiah or @KaiserGlider or @The Legend
by Everlong
Feb 10, '23, 6:16 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: The Bloodline Storyline
Replies: 20
Views: 64956

Re: Vince McMahon steps down!!!

Holy shit, this is the first I'm hearing of this. So Vince, Trips and Steph ALL gone?!?!?

Honestly, the best thing that could happen to WWE would be a sale.
by Everlong
Jun 22, '22, 9:37 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: Vince McMahon steps down!!!
Replies: 5
Views: 16444

Re: Seven years

Here's a new invite link. The first one expired.
by Everlong
Jun 22, '22, 9:36 am
Forum: Forum Info and Discussion
Topic: Seven years
Replies: 24
Views: 54118

Re: Seven years

by Everlong
May 31, '22, 11:37 am
Forum: Forum Info and Discussion
Topic: Seven years
Replies: 24
Views: 54118

Re: Wrestlemania this weekend

Did they advertise Owens vs Austin as an actual match? I’m going to say they didn’t because I had no clue that was happening and it’s something I’d have definitely tried tuning in for. I’ve not actually watched any of the show yet but social media is saying the Johnny Knoxville match was an absolut...
by Everlong
Apr 04, '22, 10:35 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: Wrestlemania this weekend
Replies: 10
Views: 22687

Re: Wrestlemania this weekend

Completely agreed, Rock has no reason to ever wrestle again. And there's really no need for us to ever see it again. That being said, the Austin moment last night was awesome. It was the only part of Wrestlemania I caught (found out about it at the last minute, turned it on right ast he KO show was ...
by Everlong
Apr 03, '22, 8:03 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Wrestlemania this weekend
Replies: 10
Views: 22687

Re: In first interview since cardiac event, Triple H says he'll never wrestle again

Sheesh I had no idea he had heart issues. Definitely the right choice to call it a career in the ring. He's looking and sounding much older -- I haven't seen any WWE programming in a few years now and it looks like age has really caught up to him. Hope he's able to stay healthy moving forward for hi...
by Everlong
Mar 27, '22, 12:52 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: In first interview since cardiac event, Triple H says he'll never wrestle again
Replies: 2
Views: 10286

Re: All 85 WWE releases in 2021

Man that is a LOT of people.
by Everlong
Feb 07, '22, 8:00 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: All 85 WWE releases in 2021
Replies: 3
Views: 9238

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