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My piano version of The Terminator theme song

Hey SC, long time no see! I thought I'd share my piano cover of The Terminator (1984) theme song. I'd appreciate any feedback/thoughts.


by Matteo
Sep 18, '18, 6:18 pm
Forum: Music
Topic: My piano version of The Terminator theme song
Replies: 2
Views: 31922

Re: Apparently is going up for auction

I'd love to see it reopen. I believe the community would be more active, too, if only for the novelty of it being 'WWE-Club'.
by Matteo
Sep 01, '17, 4:53 pm
Forum: Forum Info and Discussion
Topic: Apparently is going up for auction
Replies: 33
Views: 71064

For those that have been/going to university...

Where does your institution rank amongst the Times Higher Education world rankings? As we know, these lists are hardly important, since there is no viable correlation between the ranking of a university and its quality of teaching/content, but it's fun to ask nonetheless. My current uni that I am at...
by Matteo
Jan 13, '17, 1:06 am
Forum: The Pub
Topic: For those that have been/going to university...
Replies: 0
Views: 2638

I am thinking about getting a tattoo

I have always been ambivalent towards tattoos, although over the past few months, I have been contemplating about getting one. Aesthetically, it would be a small print along my inner left wrist, containing the lyrics to a song that I feel best encapsulates who I am as a person hitherto. That is to s...
by Matteo
Dec 15, '16, 2:58 am
Forum: The Pub
Topic: I am thinking about getting a tattoo
Replies: 5
Views: 5734

Donald Trump is truly anti-establishment This is 'draining the swap'. This is real subversion to concentrated forms of political power. This truly is a grassroots movement, and one that runs on the principles of populism and revolution. On a serious note, it is fascinating to see the alt-right ideologues...
by Matteo
Dec 15, '16, 2:38 am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Donald Trump is truly anti-establishment
Replies: 5
Views: 5315

Re: Donald Trump is going to be the next president

Hey I don't deserve the downvote I didn't rub it in I know this shit is divisive as hell but I wanted Trump to win and he did when his back was against the's quite the spectacle "Back against the wall" is a bit excessive. He had enormous media exposure, just like Hilary. He had lo...
by Matteo
Nov 09, '16, 1:34 am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Donald Trump is going to be the next president
Replies: 84
Views: 66773

Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Many people seemed to side with the Leave campaign because it best reflected their thinly-veiled racism and xenophobia. It's difficult to accept that the Remain side, the more prosperous and forward-thinking side, lost out and now I have to live with the consequences. While this may certainly apply...
by Matteo
Jun 25, '16, 7:35 pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?
Replies: 76
Views: 70013

Gun control debate

I made a video that I think best summarises the debate:

by Matteo
Jun 19, '16, 9:34 pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Gun control debate
Replies: 7
Views: 6375

Re: Is this what TNA has come to?

I actually loved it. It's ridiculous, cheesy, corny, and TERRIBLY acted and edited. It is so bad you can not look away. So bad its good sensibility going on here. It is like a backyard wrestling feud with its contrived acting and 'ostentatious' camerawork. It's deplorably hilarious and fun, and I wi...
by Matteo
Jun 18, '16, 12:38 am
Forum: General Wrestling Discussion
Topic: Is this what TNA has come to?
Replies: 11
Views: 7772

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story has had a troubled production

There has been numerous expensive reshoots during principal photography because Disney were reportedly dissatisfied with the direction Edwards took. There has been some speculations that the director made the film too dark, too gloomy and too serious , and this was thus seen as a detriment to the fi...
by Matteo
Jun 18, '16, 12:32 am
Forum: Movies and TV
Topic: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story has had a troubled production
Replies: 2
Views: 2983

NATO are combat-ready on Russia's border

The friction intensifies. A lot of it is fear-mongering, of course, but this is not a defensive move by NATO, no matter how hard you frame it. It's expansionist, it's belligerent and it's meticulous.
by Matteo
Jun 16, '16, 6:44 pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: NATO are combat-ready on Russia's border
Replies: 1
Views: 2489

Re: 50+ dead, 50+ more injured in shooting at Orlando gay club

Unarm the population and allow police and the military access to the same weapons that you take away from the civilians, we are one step closer to a police state, martial law and/or complete power and control over the people. I always respect your input, Vader, but I have to respectfully disagree h...
by Matteo
Jun 15, '16, 8:40 pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: 50+ dead, 50+ more injured in shooting at Orlando gay club
Replies: 64
Views: 42619

Re: 50+ dead, 50+ more injured in shooting at Orlando gay club

Unarm the population and allow police and the military access to the same weapons that you take away from the civilians, we are one step closer to a police state, martial law and/or complete power and control over the people. I always respect your input, Vader, but I have to respectfully disagree h...
by Matteo
Jun 15, '16, 5:58 am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: 50+ dead, 50+ more injured in shooting at Orlando gay club
Replies: 64
Views: 42619

Re: George Zimmerman is auctioning the gun used to kill Trayvon Martin

Quite the dexterous provocateur, perhaps...
by Matteo
Jun 07, '16, 1:12 am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: George Zimmerman is auctioning the gun used to kill Trayvon Martin
Replies: 6
Views: 4621

Re: Captain America Civil War

I haven't seen the previous two Captain America entires, although I watched this one with my girlfriend and did not like it. The action was largely sterile and unimaginative, and it's yet another action film that seems to instil this idea that terrorism is this omnipresent entity constantly in need ...
by Matteo
Jun 06, '16, 10:31 pm
Forum: Movies and TV
Topic: Captain America Civil War
Replies: 10
Views: 6865

Shawn Michaels is hilarious

How can one not look at this and laugh? :clap :lol
by Matteo
Apr 07, '16, 2:08 am
Forum: General Wrestling Discussion
Topic: Shawn Michaels is hilarious
Replies: 0
Views: 1967

Re: They're really spewing crap through JBL tonight

Remember why JBL used to be the top heel commentator during his time on SmackDown?

by Matteo
Apr 05, '16, 2:21 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: They're really spewing crap through JBL tonight
Replies: 6
Views: 5090

Another reason to love Hulk Hogan

I am sure many of you have heard about this, but Hogan ratted out his fellow wrestlers to crush a nascent unionisation drive ahead of Wrestlemania II. During the mid-1980s, the wrestlers in the WWF locker room were talking about forming a union in a profession that, by all means, had a patent disreg...
by Matteo
Mar 28, '16, 7:01 pm
Forum: General Wrestling Discussion
Topic: Another reason to love Hulk Hogan
Replies: 1
Views: 2668

Rob Van Dam's impersonation of Shawn Michaels


Those eyes. :lol
by Matteo
Mar 27, '16, 9:02 pm
Forum: General Wrestling Discussion
Topic: Rob Van Dam's impersonation of Shawn Michaels
Replies: 2
Views: 3095

Re: Last night's Republican debate

I think it is imperative that the revolutionary, anti-establishment political atmosphere in the US at the moment does not dissipate if Sanders loses to Clinton. Bernie's presidential campaign has engineered an applicable framework for meaningful social change in the country, and it must not only be ...
by Matteo
Feb 15, '16, 6:19 pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Last night's Republican debate
Replies: 14
Views: 11540

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