It is currently: May 01, '24, 1:52 pm

Rank Image Rank Title Minimum posts
Mark Mark 0
  Creative Team
  SquaredCircle Commisioner
Gym Rat Gym Rat 25
Dark Match Specialist Dark Match Specialist 50
Jobber Jobber 100
Indy Darling Indy Darling 200
NXT Talent NXT Talent 300
B+ Player B+ Player 400
Midcard Attraction Midcard Attraction 500
Intercontinental Champ Intercontinental Champ 750
Next Big Thing Next Big Thing 1000
Ring General Ring General 2000
Main Eventer Main Eventer 3000
World Champion World Champion 5000
Face of the Company Face of the Company 7500
Living Legend Living Legend 10000

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